Fan Art Contest II

It's time for a new Powder Mage fan art contest! The last one was a huge success, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys put together this time.

The rules are simple:

  • Produce a piece of visual media (painting, photoshop rendering, drawing, photos of cosplay, whatever) that has something to do with the Powder Mage Universe, whether it be the books or the short fiction.
  • Send it to me as an Imgur link, or somewhere you've posted it on social media, via email to brian (at) brianmcclellan (dot) com. Put the words POWDER MAGE ART CONTEST in the subject line. Please be sure to include a mailing address so I don't have to chase you down later if you win. Your address will not be used for any other purpose.
  • You have four weeks from today to enter (until the 18th of November). Afterwards, I will have selected my favorite pieces and inform the winners. Winners will be announced on my website.
  • By entering you've agreed to let me show off your art via social media and my website. YOU RETAIN ALL RIGHTS TO THE SUBMITTED WORK.
  • Multiple entries are allowed!
  • The contest is open internationally.


  1. Grand Prize: two artists will be awarded with a silver powder mage keg pin from Badali Jewelry.
  2. Four runners-up will be awarded with signed hardcovers of Promise of Blood.
  3. I reserve the right to award no prizes (say, if the only entry is a hand-drawn stick figure with a gun or some other good reason). You can check out the entries from last year here.

Thanks for reading everyone, and have at it!

Brian McClellan5 Comments