Holiday Sale!
Hey everybody! It's almost Thanksgiving here in the US, and that means the ol' infamous shopping week - including Cyber Monday and Black Friday. To make things a little easier for you book-present-givers this holiday season, some of my author friends and I have put an assortment of our books on sale through the middle of December.
These are all signed (except for the ebooks, obviously) and coming straight from the author, meaning they take home an extra cut and have a little more money in their pockets for the holidays. I hope you'll take a look!
- Brad Beaulieu - The Lays of Anuskaya and 12 Kings in Sharakhai
- Brian McClellan - The Powder Mage novels and novellas.
- Jason Hough - The Dire Earth Trilogy and Zero World.
- Michael J Sullivan - The Riyria books and Hollow World.
- Wesley Chu - The Tao Trilogy and Timesalvager (25% off with coupon code "DABLIGHTDAY")
Here are my own books I've put specifically on sale, so you don't have to sort through them: