Silicon Valley Comic Con Schedule
Hey Bay-area friends! My schedule for this weekend in San Jose is such:
The First Word: Getting Started as a Writer on Saturday at 11:00 AM
It's one thing to want to be a writer, but quite another to type out the first words. Our panel of published authors and seasoned editor will talk about strategies and ways to start a book, and more importantly, how to keep yourself going until the bitter end. Working with editors, coping with draft revisions, and how to know when it?s done and time to send out of the nest will all be discussed.
The Brave New World of Publishing on Saturday at 2:00 PM
The road to publishing has splintered into many twisty paths. Options have never been greater for aspiring authors, but navigating the choices has never been murkier. Where do you start? Indie? Traditional publishers? Or the bumper crop of small presses? What about Amazon and Kindle Unlimited? A panel of authors from indie to Big Five publishers and everything in between maps the routes and outlines the pros and cons of each path in the brave new world of publishing.
The best way to find me is to catch me after one of these panels. I don't have anything scheduled the rest of the weekend, or an official signing, but if you want to get something signed and drop me a message on Twitter Saturday or Sunday, I can try to meet up with you!