The Marion Public Library

037 I had the pleasure of being invited to speak at the Marion Public Library on Tuesday evening.

It was my first hour-long speaking engagement and, though I spent the entire time sweating bullets, it turned out to be quite fun. I did a reading from Promise of Blood and then spoke a bit about the path I took to getting published and what it's like being a full time author. Afterwards, I did a Q&A session and then sat down to sign books.


I think we had around fifteen to twenty people there and to be honest, I have no idea whether that's a good turnout or not. From what I've heard talking to other authors any given event will have between two and a hundred people at it and there's no real rhyme or reason to predicting the turnout.

Wifey and I decided to make it a day and went down early to have dinner at Der Dutchman, an Amish restaurant off 71. We both ate a regrettable amount of food and I have to say the pot roast was delicious. We also quite enjoyed the scenery going down and coming back up (it's about a two and half hour drive to Marion from our house). I love the rolling farm country and the old houses. Makes me want to get a place out in the middle of nowhere.


My next event will be on this coming Tuesday (July 23rd) at 7:00 PM at the Beachwood Public Library in Beachwood, OH. This is a registered event, so if you'd like to come please sign up ahead of time. I will do a reading, signing, and Q&A. I hope to see you all there!