Another Birthday Giveaway!
Hey guys! Today is my 30th, so all this week I'm giving away a powder mage novella to everyone who subscribes to my email newsletter. All you have to do is confirm your subscription (check your spam if you don't see it) and then click on the link on the confirmation page. I'll be sending all current subscribers a link to the download on Tuesday.
For those of you unfamiliar with my short fiction, here's the quick scoop: I write side stories within the Powder Mage Universe as a way to supplement my novels. It lets me explore themes and backgrounds I don't have time for in the books, and gives my fans a little something extra to read while they wait for the next full-length installment. I try to write these novellas so they can be read on their own, and many readers find them a good launching point into the Powder Mage Trilogy.
I'm giving away Murder at the Kinnen Hotel. It's a murder mystery featuring a young Adamat, long before he became the private investigator you meet in Promise of Blood. Subscribe and it's yours!
It's a good time to subscribe, because you'll get information regarding the next novella within the coming weeks.