Ghosts of the Tristan Basin
If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you'll know I've been hinting at this new novella for quite a long time. Well, it's almost here. Ghosts of the Tristan Basin is the latest addition to the Powder Mage Universe. It takes place eight months before the events of Promise of Blood. Here's the synopsis:
Taniel Two-Shot is a powder mage with the Tristan Ghost Irregulars, a band of volunteers who have made a name for themselves fighting in the Fatrastan Revolution. They range through the swamps of the frontier, cutting off enemy supplies and raiding towns while Taniel hunts the Privileged sorcerers that make the Kez armies so powerful.
When a desperate call for help comes from the nearby city of Planth, the Irregulars aren't the only ones to answer and Taniel must deal with another hero of the revolution: Mad Colonel Styke. But not all is well within the young Fatrastan government, and more hangs on the defense of Planth than Taniel and his companions could possibly know.
I'm particularly excited about this novella because it's the first glimpse you'll get of Ben Styke: a viewpoint character in Sins of Empire, book one of Gods of Blood and Powder. Ghosts of the Tristan Basin officially releases on all your favorite ebook vendors February 16th, with hardcovers to follow March 15th. If you want to get it right now, you can buy a direct download from me.
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